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Idaho is a handsome phantom colored boy with a curly coat. He will be 15-25 pounds and ready on June 26th.
Kansas is a gorgeous Phantom colored boy. He is sweet and mellow and so very cuddly! He will be around 25 pounds
Shania is a gorgeous dark sable and white girl. She has just a little white and a curlier coat. She will be 30-35 pounds
LeAnn is a pretty little phantom girl with just a little white on her. She is a curly coat and will be around 30-35 pounds
Allan is a precious little sable colored boy! He is very mellow and laid back. He is doing amazing on potty training. He will be 20-25 pounds. $3,500
Our Bernedoodle puppies are all well socialized and pre spoiled! They all come with our 2 year genetic health guarantee and lifetime support.
If you are ready to complete the application to purchase a puppy, click below.
We do NOT take deposits on litters that are not born yet..... once puppies are born and thriving we will make them available to reserve. To secure your puppy there is a $500 "Reservation Fee" This fee is NON REFUNDABLE but will be credited toward the purchase price of your puppy! Prior to sending your reservation Fee please fill out the Puppy Purchase Application and send that to us so we can have all your contact info for your file and so that we can answer any questions you may have about the breed, etc. If we have an available puppy that you have fallen in love with you may place a reservation fee on that specific puppy. If your puppy will need to be delivered to you the balance of the puppy price and the delivery fee needs to be paid by the time the puppy is 7 weeks old. This allows us to go ahead and pay for the plane tickets we need to purchase to deliver your puppy to you. Reservation Fee may be paid via Venmo, Cash App, Square Invoice, Paypal, or you can mail a personal check. Just let us know your preference and we will get you the necessary info!
Bernedoodle puppies for sale
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